I'll use this page to feature inspirational media (mainly images and videos) that I have found on the web, on a weekly basis. Since the "Page" widget doesn't appear to support any sort of archiving function, once the week ends so does the corresponding feature - so, don't skip a beat.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: March was a depressing month for oddball music connoisseurs, as it marked the untimely death of one of my favorite song craftsmen, Alex Chilton (of Big Star fame). If you are ignorant to his existence, quit listening to my ignorant ass, remove yourself from the stool and getttt acquainted...... who knows, you might find yourself positively altered in some weird uncomfortable manner. Ever watched the intro to "That 70's Show"? Of course you have. And it is by this association that you are already familiar with the diminutive portion of commercial fame he has been attributed to, through the ear splintering (in a bad way... a very bad way) Cheap Trick cover of Big Star's song's, "In The Street".
Big Star is great in all but if you really want to experience Alex Chilton in his most strange of forms than may I suggest Big Star's last album, "Third/Sister Lovers", and Alex Chilton's first solo record, "Like Flies on Sherbert"- warbley, intricate, fragile rock and roll, on the verge of incoherent noise. A beautiful wall of sound.
*Associated bands that have been influenced, inspired, and touched by his volume of work (there are probably many more, but these are the ones that I specifically care about):
- the Db's
- the cramps
- teenage fanclub
- the replacements
**Warning, this is a tribute. Enjoy:
The Replacements - Alex Chilton (demo recording)
Alex Chilton featured on 120 mintues
Alex Chilton - Surfer Girl
Alex Chilton - I wanna pick you up
Alex Chilton - Like flies on sherbert
Alex Chilton - Lovely day (demo)
Big Star - Holocaust
Big Star - Thank you friends